Study Resources
This page is reserved for articles, pamphlets, books and links to other reading or study resources to assist Legion of Mary members to deepen their knowledge of the Catholic Faith. We will also include articles authored by our founder Frank Duff on Catholic doctrines and about the Legion of Mary. Of course, these resources will be authentically Catholic. Some Patrician presentations will also be available for more readings.
"Theology of the Apostolate" by Cardinal Leon Joseph Suenens
Cardinal Leon Joseph Suenens - "Theology of the Apostolate" (Click here to read the article) - Commentary on the Promise, "The Theology of the Apostolate," has been written by Cardinal L. J. Suenens and published in various languages. This invaluable work should be in the hands of every legionary. Likewise it should be read by every responsible Catholic, for it contains a remarkable exposition of the principles which govern the Christian apostolate. (Legion of May Handbook, Chapter 13 - Membership Requirements).
"The Mystical Body of Christ" - by Frank Duff
Frank Duff on the Mystical Body of Christ. (Click here to read the article). In the Handbook, Frank Duff writes about this important Catholic doctrine, He stresses that the apostolic service of the Legion is based on this teaching. The Legionary's personal service to souls, properly speaking is necessary to keep the members of the Mystical Body alive in Christ - and that we should ensure that we take care of each other in a spiritual sense. Every member of the Body of Christ performs a vital function for the whole body - and thus, if a member is sick (because of sin), then everyone is affected by it. The doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ calls for evangelization which is the heart of the Legion apostolic system
"The Spirit of Home Visitation" - by Frank Duff
Among the many apostolic works of the Legion of Mary, home visitation is called 'the apple of its apostolic eye.' It is in the home that we encounter the entire family, the way they are, whether good or bad, perfect or imperfect - we have only one goal in mind, bring Christ into their lives. In this article, Frank Duff reminds us of the intimacy of each encounter, the power behind your presence made manifest through the Holy Spirit. This is a 'must read' for all Legionaries desiring to undertake this apostolic work begun by Christ's apostles 2000 years ago. (Click here to read the article).